I Enjoy Selling Center City Philadelphia Real Estate
As a LONG time Philadelphia REALTOR®, I truly enjoy selling condominiums and lofts in downtown. I really find my work to be rewarding, both financially and emotionally. Now I know I am not a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist. I will never win the Nobel Prize for real estate in Center City. But I like what I do, and I enjoy helping others.
I started selling Philadelphia condominiums nineteen years ago. Back when you had to be out of your mind to buy a Center City loft or condo. And… even more demented to sell the stuff. But I knew no better and carved out a specialty of selling bank foreclosed Center City condos.
I quickly learned that the most rewarding kind of buyer is one that needs my help. They either need my expertise or simply my hand to hold. I was never really interested in selling commercial real estate. It seemed that everyone in the game of Philadelphia real estate in that arena were a bunch of big brains, who clearly knew more than I did… regardless if they actually did or did not.
I have found over the years that a first time Philadelphia condominium buyer is almost always a pleasure to deal with. Their need to seek advice, and do their homework, and feel comfortable with their real estate decision is a process to which I can contribute, and feel good that I’ve helped another person.
Self-congratulatory? Possibly…but I do like when I can help.
And it has never been about the size of the transaction. That has never been a motivating guide for how I choose the buyers I actually end up working with. Having a buyer who wants to spend a lot of money on a Center City condominium or loft is great, but certainly not a guiding force when I meet a new buyer.
And I love out-of-towners. I love to show them all the Philadelphia condos I can… help them make a decision… then see them a few years later. I don’t ever recall one of them disliking our town! And that is a good feeling. Though the quality of life here in Center City has little to do with me, it just kinda’ solidifies my testimony that, say, 19106 is a very nice ZIP Code in which to reside. Or, that the Hopkinson House is a great building.
So, thank you to every buyer and seller I have dealt with here in town. I appreciate your business, and I hope to see you again one day, walking down the street, smiling. I know I am.
Are you ready to work with an agent who knows how to give you the edge over other Center City condo buyers and sellers? Call me today at 215-521-1523 or drop me an email at mark@centercitycondos.com.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106