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October 2024

October 26, 2015

Let’s say you hate your Realtor because you think he or she is an A-Hole. What should you do?

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:58 am

Listen- I get it. Sometimes you don’t mesh with the Realtor you found at an open house, on-line, or via your neighbor’s recommendation. And sometimes that Realtor is ME. No surprise there.

And most Realtors will try to get you to sign an exclusive contract so if and when you do buy- you have to use them as your Realtor. Personally, I do not do that. I want to earn a buyer’s trust and keep them as a client based upon merit. However, if you do sign an exclusive contract with another agent- I usually can not help you- unless you have put a date on that other contract which has since expired.

But sometimes I do put people in my car who don’t like me. Or vice versa. In that case- it is best to be upfront with that Realtor and tell them you have decided to go in another direction. No biggie.

I usually find that most Realtors are not A-Holes, rather they do silly things that buyers don’t like. For instance, not listening to a buyer’s wants and needs can be harmful to the relationship…. I have heard many buyers come my way saying their old Realtor was showing them condos WAY outside their price range. Like when a buyer wants a two bedroom with a $500,000 budget and the Realtor takes them to say 1820 Rittenhouse Sq. condos.

So if you coming to me from another Realtor- I welcome you. If you are leaving me for another Realtor- then I wish you good fortune and tidings. No hurt feelings. Honest.

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